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What is a Process?

What Kind Of Process can I set up?
What is a planning step?
Process Configuration Tools
Report Selection Parameters Available
Process Detail Report
Process 1st Blank Date Report
Process Overdue Step Report
Process Missing Step Report
Process Blank Date Report

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PrimeProcess is a plug-in pack of reports for PROPworks 5™ that will dramatically improve your ability to manage the execution and approval processes for agreements and amendments, as well as financial instrument and event-driven processes.

  • It takes less than 5 minutes to install PrimeProcess in your PROPworks environment.
  • PrimeProcess is produced using Oracle Developer 6i™ so the reports run and look just like other reports in PROPworks™. The result is zero learning curve for your users and zero additional administration workload for your IT staff.
  • PrimeProcess appears as a separate reports sub-menu in the PROPworks™ Agreement Management Module
What is a Process?

A process links a group of date types you have defined in PROPworks into a sequence of steps reflecting the task you do in your business. The date types in PROPworks have no defined relationship to each other, In PrimeProcess you set up your own processes and define the relationships between dates/steps. For instance, your lease approval process might include the following steps:

  1. Draft lease
  2. Send to property director for review
  3. Expect lease comments from director
  4. Date comments received
  5. Complete updates to lease
  6. Forward preliminary lease to legal department
  7. Expect legal department comments
  8. Receive comments from legal
What Kind of Processes Can I Set Up?

You can use PrimeProcess to set up an unlimited set of processes (e.g., amendment execution, lease termination, insurance approval, etc.) – each process having an unlimited number of steps. Processes can include:.

  • Agreement Dates
  • Amendment Dates
  • Financial Instrument Dates
  • Event Comment Dates
  • Leasehold Dates
What is a Planning Step?

A planning step in a process allows you to plan and manage what to do next in a process – not just use PROPworks to record the dates when tasks were completed. For instance, in the sample process shown above, steps 3 and 7 are planning steps. Report on planning steps using PROPwork™ tickler reports & PrimeProcess reports to build your to do list of upcoming and overdue work. A task is overdue if it is a planning task and the date of the next step in the process is still blank!

Process Configuration Tools

Process Configuration Screen - A user-friendly “tabbed” screen used to administer the process lists and steps in each process.

Process Configuration Report - Displays the list of all steps (i.e., date types and dates) in the requested processes – to help your review and verify the process is defined correctly.

Report Selection Parameters Available

Each of the reports listed below have a the same set of selection parameters -- the parameters available when you run the report will change depending on the type of process you are requesting. When the process is for:

  • Agreement dates, the report may be selected by process, single agreement, agreement class & type, contract & finance status, administrator, and date type.
  • Amendment dates, the report may be selected by process, single agreement, agreement class & type, contract & finance status, amendment type & status (an associated item), administrator, and date type.
  • Instrument dates, the report may be selected by process, customer, provider, agent, instrument status, class, & type, and date type.
  • Leasehold dates, the report may be selected by single agreement, agreement class & type, contract & finance status, leasehold type & status, administrator, and date type.
  • Event comment dates, the report may be selected by process, customer. event type & status, & comment type.

Process Detail Report

Displays the details for each step in a process including the step description, date and comment.

Process 1st Blank Date Report

Displays the first blank date / step in the process for each selected item. This report tells the user ‘what is the next step I need to work on?’

Process Overdue Step Report

Displays the first overdue step in the process for each selected item. This report tells the user ‘who is late in replying to me?’

Process Missing Step Report

Displays the steps in a process that have not yet been set up for the selected item. This report is used to detect items that should be recorded for a process but haven’t yet been set up.

Process Blank Date Report

Displays the steps in a process for each item that have been set up -- but the date value is blank / missing